Language: Inglês

Jul 05
Terms and Conditions

Thank you for joining Comércio Fora do Sítio. Before accessing and using this website, please read carefully its terms and conditions of use. The access and use of this website by the user is considered as an unequivocal sign that he has read, understood, taken knowledge, and accepted the present terms and conditions of use. […]

Jul 05
Legal Notices and Privacy

The Municipality of Porto, through the Department of Finance, Economic Activities andFiscalisation, has launched the website Comércio Fora do Sítio; Through registration and the data inserted, the user can access and participate in theinitiative, qualifying for offers / gifts, to the limit of existing stock; The Municipality of Porto guarantees the right to the protection […]

Jul 05

Machado Joalheiro Historic store 1 Oficina dos Violinos Commerce in Porto 1 Casa Hortícola Historic store 2 Óptica Boavista Commerce in Porto 2 Casa Chinesa Historic store 3 Óculos para Todos Commerce in Porto 3 Ourivesaria Eduardo Carneiro Historic store 4 Farmácia Moreno Commerce in Porto 4 Farmácia Vitália Historic store 5 Mùi Gourmet Commerce […]

Jul 05